Working towards a greener future


Circular Economy in Road Construction and Maintenance

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CERCOM is a CEDR project funded through the Call 2020 Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy funded by Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

The CERCOM project is developing an innovative risk based framework and management tool to facilitate a step change in the adoption of RE & CE principles in procurement and multi-lifecycle management by NRAs across Europe. 

Implementation of CE has the potential to tackle the root causes of global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution whilst at the same time providing regenerative design for generations to come.

Our Team

CERCOM brings together leading European researchers, academics, engineers and consultants, who are well placed to deliver on the objectives of resource efficiency and circular economy.

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Our Stakeholders

Our Community

Discover the people and organisations already invested in the implementation of CE in road construction and maintenance and become part of our growing community of change leaders. 

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The Project

Working towards a greener future


Explore our project resources; from definitions and guidance to workshops and training, our resource base will be updated regularly throughout the CERCOM project.

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Circular Economy

Tackling the root causes of global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution whilst at the same time providing regenerative design for generations to come.

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CIrcular Economy

Work Packages

In addition to Work Package 1 – Project Management, and Work Package 6 – Engagement and Dissemination, CERCOM consists of five technical work Packages.


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Funding Partner


The CEDR Transnational Research Programme (TRP) operates through a series of annual transnational calls on topics that address the needs of European road authorities.

To address some of the challenges associated with improving resource efficiency (RE) and transforming to a circular economy, the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) launched a Transnational Road Research Programme Call 2020, managed by the Danish Road Directorate.

Roads and climate change

Call 2020 Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy

The aim of this research programme is to accelerate the transition of the road infrastructure sector in Europe, from linear economy, into resource efficient circular economy.

Find out more here >


CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads)

CEDR is an organisation of European national road administrations promoting excellence in the management of roads.

The CEDR Strategy comprises the Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals.

Find out more here >


More about circular economy

Best practice

An inventory of the systems / approaches appropriate at different stages of the journey towards circularity


Risk based analysis framework

A framework and suitable KPIs supporting the lifecycle assessment of resource use and impacts


Resource and training

Guidance, training seminars and on-line materials for managers and practitioners